For the first time in the History of Mankind, people are thinking ‘Less meat’, particularly Red meat and this why it’s a good idea.
Large-scale studies have shown that a vegetarian diet has numerous health benefits, including a longer life span, less cardiovascular disease risk.
Even though Africa stands at 42 pounds of meat every year there is still a lot of work to be done. In Kenya, for example, beef constitutes two thirds of all meat eaten and there’s increasing pork consumption.
We could also attribute the trend to the classification of Processed Meats as a carcinogen, by the world health organization
consumption of pork. Each year 270 pounds of meat is consumed per person in the U.S.A, making it the second major consumer of meat in the world.
So let's drop the beef
SOY BEANS Protein: 16.6 g (per 100g)
Whole soy beans contain Soybeans have long been recognized as a plant food that, when compared with other plants, is relatively high in protein.
When including soybeans, try to stick with the whole food forms, and also consider giving preference to fermented versions like tempeh, fermented tofu, and soy miso.
TIP: Full-fat soy milk, for example, can be made by simply cooking whole soybeans in water and using a cloth to strain the soymilk (liquid) from the fibrous part of the cooked beans.
SEITAN Protein: 75 g (per 100g)
“Seitan” is a word of Japanese origin, and when roughly translated, the seitan definition is “made of proteins.”
How it’s made: Wash wheat flour dough with water until all the starch granules have been removed, leaving only the sticky insoluble gluten as an elastic, taffy-like mass.
Cut this mass into pieces and cook before eating.
CHIA SEEDS Protein: 16.5 g (per 100 g)
My favorite chia seed recipe is
Green-Pineapple: blend 2 cups of spinach, 1.5 cups of water, and 2 tablespoons of chia seeds. One cup of Frozen (Diced) Pineapples, a cup of strawberries, and half a cup of Pineapple juice.
Many people are skeptical of hemp because they are concerned that it’s too closely related to marijuana.
Truth is, hemp is an entirely different plant (but from the same family) and has less than .3% THC (compared to 5-10% in marijuana). Rest assured, you can’t get high from eating hemp seeds.
It’s best to consume hemp seeds raw and keep them stored in the refrigerator.
Add them in a smoothie or in a bowl with other nuts.
SPIRULINA Protein: 57 g (per 100g)
Is a blue-green algae is a freshwater plant
Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica provides more nutrition gram per gram than any other spirulina on the market. This algae plant can also be found in Central Africa, known there as ‘die’, Hawaii known there as Spirulina.
Rather than supplements this plant is best enjoyed when mixed in with a protein shake or juice shakes. Tastes amazing if you add frozen grapes, then blend with other ingredients.
Thanks for reading
Here’s a chart to identify how much protein you’ll be trading for veggies