Not sure what’s better the Nutmeg or the dive.
So many things happened in this video that led to so many great opportunities after, 29 year- old, Mayra Alejandra Gonzalez Rodriguez from Coro Falcon, Venezuela, better known as May, the girl with the viral “Nutmeg” soccer video, that happened in 2016 but continues to get views, likes and following still in 2021, had been playing a play-off match in her city’s local futsal league in Venezuela with her team Real Falcon, the team ended winning the final with an intense 5-2 against Grinca, in Carlos Sanchez Field in Venezuela that day.
She’s was lucky enough to have a friend recording the game and when the incredible famous play occurs it was captured, most of you have probably seen players nutmeg other players and to be insightful nobody likes to get megged. (when the opponent dribbles the ball through your opener legs) it’s harsh for any player, as she pulls the ball to her feet with grace closer to herself to gain control, she sees the opponent; who to mention is her friend off the field, come in hard and fast, gets shoved and kicked in her lower abdominal area and womanly parts, as she notices that the referee doesn’t call the brutal foul she decides to take matters in to her own hand to defend her self.
The opponent clearly fakes and helps create the video to go viral, whether May obstructed the play after the shove, most soccer players are known to fake fouls and most get away with it. The peculiar thing about this play was based more on the fact that females do the same too, men and women in soccer are very much alike. The humerus things was both reactions, the video went so viral both the girls became well known., the female that dove, was named, “ Neymar’s Daughter”
and May, was selected for the women’s Venezuelan National team. Humbled and grateful, to have obtained a call up and continue to persuade her dreams after this viral play.
I was able to get a closer look into what May’s life has become since that video, she is a young woman of faith with great family values, loves and appreciates her family and friends, has a passion for her next vision, which is to help gain more awareness in the Venezuelan teams both male and female. And to those of lower-income.

FT: What makes you proud about this video that went viral?
That same year, I was fortunate to play at a national level, I played with a team named Cuam for another state , in Caracas, Venezuela, then was recruited, it was a dream come true, the Women’s National Coach invited me Milagros Infante, unfortunately I was out because of an injury, I finished the module with the team and now I’ve been able to teach other and help raise awareness for female soccer in my country.

FT: What makes you most happy?
I continue to play soccer daily and coach my new team, Indios del Cerro, which is my new passion, I have about 60 kids and between them theirs 7 little girls, these players are of lower-income, I hope to continue to be able to support and inspire them and encourage them within the sport. I also play daily not in a pro-development team currently but still keep in shape and always happy I got the opportunity to defend my country, and help insure others.
FT: Have you ever confronted the player again off or on the field?
She’s actually my friend, off the field, and I did see her two days after that match, I didn’t like how many people on social media approached her, name calling her, I’m sure if we’re to see each other on the Field again she’d nutmeg me back and we’d just laugh about it.

FT: Which female and male soccer players do you look up too?
Personally, Ronaldinho, he just plays with a huge smile on his face all the time, he’s the greatest player of all times, at least for me and currently Lionel Messi, he’s quiet but can make chaos on the Field and I love that about him—And for female players, Michelle Romero and Dinah Castellano who I stay in touch with and admire on the Venezuelan women’s team, they are both good genuine human beings on and off the field.
It’s nonetheless having friends and family who support you is extremely empowering for one, May was very fortunate her video in 2016 caught humor, skill and awareness. This video taught her that dreams and goals can become true with the help of others.
This thanksgiving break we decided to give you this story to motivate you to do something, anything. To believe a little harder, to stand up to what you believe, to go out there and help a friend or be a friend and help change someone’s life with little acts of kindness you can change someone’s trajectory.